In most cases, there is no need to remove snow from a roof. But after an abnormally heavy snowfall, especially a heavy snowfall followed by rain, it would be wise to remove excess snow to prevent roof damage and, in extreme cases, roof collapse.

For sloped roofs:

Homeowners with sloped roofs can use a ladder and a specially designed roof rake to remove excess snow from the roof. Do not strike the roof with the rake or attempt to remove all of the snow from the roof’s surface. Striking the roof or attempting to scrape all of the snow off the roof could damage the shingles.

For flat roofs:

Before removing snow from a commercial, flat roof building, it is a good idea to consult a professional roofing contractor. Most flat roofs are designed to carry heavy snow, but if the snow load is more than the building was designed to carry, hire a professional to make sure the snow is removed without damaging the roofing material and property or endangering lives.

During periods of freezing temperature, check your roof for frozen ice dams. Ice dams are caused by melting snow that refreezes as it works its way down the roof, trapping other water runoff behind its frozen wall and forcing up into the roof. Trapped water on a roof is never a good thing for a roof. It can lead to moisture damage and shorten a roof’s lifespan. Contact us if you need help with winter roof maintenance, including snow removal and ice dam prevention.